Yesterday we announced our newest conference–the Integrated Print Forum. It’s a new type of conference that focuses on integrating interactive, dynamic media to print.  In the vein of this conference, we’ll be employing dynamic media to communicate with our audience. To make this a success we want you to particpate and there are a number of ways for that to happen.

Visit Formspringand leave us a question about the conference. It’s a simple way for you ask questions and for us to answer them. We’ll be answering those questions on our Integrated Print Forum blog. Speaking of which…

Visit the Integrated Print Forum blog for updates that include audio, video and news on the conference as it develops. There are also discussions forum you can be a part of!

You can like the Facebook page, where we’ll be having a Q&A and we’ll upload photos/videos that will pop up in your Facebook feed. Talk about convenience!

Reserve your seat on our Eventbrite page. we’ll hold a seat for you for a brief amount of time and you’ll also be able to see who else is coming to the Integrated Print Forum!

And, of course, you can tweet to us on Twitter – @printind.

We look forward to interacting with you!