Jon Tardiff, CEO of J.S. McCarthy Printers in Augusta, Maine, describes autonomous productivity, makeready and waste reduction gains following the installation six months ago of a Heidelberg Speedmaster XL 106-4+LYY-P-4+L sheetfed UV offset perfecting press equipped with “Push to Stop” technology, Prinect Pressroom Manager and Prinect Inpress Control 2.
Jon Tardiff of J.S. McCarthy Printers on Productivity Gains from Automated Sheetfed Offset Perfector
Jon Tardiff, CEO of J.S. McCarthy Printers in Augusta, Maine, describes autonomous productivity, makeready and waste reduction gains following the installation six months ago of a Heidelberg Speedmaster XL 106-4+LYY-P-4+L sheetfed UV offset perfecting press equipped with “Push to Stop” technology, Prinect Pressroom Manager and Prinect Inpress Control 2.