We look at print differently today. Each piece produced is valuable, and attention to detail is critical. You can say that it transcends the physical product and becomes a greater symbol of what our industry is capable of achieving.  

This makes the Premier Print Awards  competition even more pertinent. It celebrates outstanding achievements and recognizes companies’ work on a world stage. The chances that it offers companies, both large and small, from every corner of the earth, to showcase their finest printed pieces have become the annual target for many businesses.

If you are like many printing companies, you have produced some award-worthy printed pieces. How can your company gain recognition? We spoke with two previous winning companies, Offset Alpine Printing and Bolger Vision Beyond Print, about how they found success.

Show Your Customers the Value of Your Work

Showcase the value of print like Dik Bolger, Chief Executive Officer, Bolger Vision Beyond Print, who says they, “continually speak out on the ‘Value of Print’ in today’s market, and the Benny certainly recognizes that value to our clients.”

Bolger, located in the Midwest with 200 employees, earned two Best of Category awards in 2012.

Your clients, as well as your peers, recognize the significance of a Premier Print Award. Entering the competition tells them that the work you produce has greater meaning beyond its intended use.

Garth Hackett, General Manager, Sales, Offset Alpine Printing, states that they produced their winning piece to, “demonstrate that print as a medium is still relevant in an increasingly online world.” Showing outstanding printed pieces in this competition signifies that, “through the use of creative ideas, print can create a tactile and effective product of real and tangible value.”

Recognize Your Team for Their Great Efforts

They say that it takes a village—well, that stands true for print production, too. These companies instill pride in your dedicated staff members by gaining recognition for their combined efforts. We are very proud of this outstanding achievement,” says Mr. Hackett, who’s team won multiple awards. “We feel it’s a reward for the hard work and commitment shown by our dedicated and talented team of staff and suppliers.”

Mr. Hackett’s team, based in Australia, won three Best of Category awards in 2011. Additionally that year, the company of 350 won top honours for Best of Show, the highest award in the competition.

Showcase Your Commitment in Each and Every Product

Take a closer look at all of the work you have produced.

“A large segment of the work we produce at Bolger involves exceptional quality,” Mr. Bolger states, “and winning a Benny demonstrates to our customers and prospects the commitment we have made in providing the very best in print.”

As you work passionately to create high-quality work, you may find, as Mr. Hackett did, that you already have competitive, award-worthy pieces.

“We were surprised but honoured to win the 2011 Best of Show award against such formidable competition in what is regarded as the largest and one of the most prestigious printing competitions in the world,” Mr. Hackett describes. It was so surprising to him because, “it was never our intention to produce a promotional piece for awards purposes.”

Each year, we at Printing Industries of America are proud to see some of the finest pieces in the world on parade throughout the Premier Print Awards. There is no other competition in the world where these printers can be judged against participants from around the globe. To participate in the 2013 competition, please enter your pieces online by May 17, 2013.

Find out more about entering the 2013 Premier Print Awards.