It is no surprise to hear that the printing industry is evolving in the general direction of integrated services and products. If you are like most, your company is already a part of this growing segment. Printing Industries of America wanted clearer insight into this market in preparation for the Integrated Print Forum 2013, so we turned to our ownEconomic and Market Research department.  

In early 2013, the Economic and Market Research department conducted a survey to address the demands in different markets within the printing industry. The results provide an insightful look into the most current demands for these markets—Web-to-print eCommerce branded storefronts and integrated marketing services ranked among the top 10.

The Results

The survey confirms that integrated print market demands are increasing exponentially, with many of these markets reporting the biggest sales demand increases.

  • Of the 57 companies that answered the question for Web-to-print eCommerce branded storefront sales, 82% of them indicated that demand is increasing for this service.
  • 78% of printers that reported offering Web development services reported demand increase.
  • 74% of the 46 responding companies reported an increase in demand for integrated marketing services.
  • 34% of respondents indicated a decrease in demand for brochure printing.
  • A decrease was also reported for newspaper printing at 50%.

What do these results tell us? We can conclude that while demand in the integrated print markets is growing, the more traditional markets, such as brochures, newspapers, magazines, or books, are declining. Therefore, if your company is still confined to these more traditional markets, you are, or will soon be, experiencing a decline in your sales and profits.

The Action Plan

Where does your company fit into the equation, and what can you do to capitalize on these growing markets?

If your company is already expanding into integrated print markets, great! You are in a key position. However, in order to stay at the forefront, you must continually educate yourself in ways to refine your current offerings and branch into new markets.

For the businesses that are not yet into media integration, this is an opportune time to start. We offer plenty of resources to help you assess your needs, develop a plan, and implement profitable integrated printing services.

Integrated Print Form 2013, the annual event of the Integrated Print Center, has essential information for companies at any point in their business transformation stage. Learn in an engaging environment from innovative expert speakers.

Sign up today to attend this event May 14–15, 2013, in Pittsburgh, PA, and find more details at