According to the Q1 figures released by the body, total advertising spend grew by 2.4%. However, while the overall picture was rosy, driven by growth in online and TV advertising, newsbrands, magazines and direct mail fell by an estimated 7.9%, 11.6% and 1% respectively.

Total ad spend in the first quarter reached £4.14bn, following on from the positive trend of last year when total spend returned to pre-2007 levels and topped the £17bn mark.

The AA/Warc Expenditure Report predicted that the total 2013 advertising spend in 2013 will be 2.6% higher than 2012, rising to a 4.9% year-on-year increase in 2014.

Tim Lefroy, Chief Executive of the Advertising Association said: “A pound spent on advertising returns six pounds to GDP. These figures don’t just reflect growing confidence, they represent an important investment in the recovery.”

Q1 2013 actuals 2013 (forecast)
TV 5.6 3.9
Radio -2.9 1.7
Out of home 0.1 -1.5
Newsbrands -7.9 -4.3
Magazines -11.6 -5.6
Cinema 1.6 -11.7
Internet – pure play* 11.1 10.4
Direct mail** -1.0 -0.3

*Internet data for Q1 2013 is a Warc estimate. Excludes TV VOD, digital adspend for newsbrands and magazine brands
** Direct mail data for Q1 2013 is a Warc estimate