In a world where your clients are bombarded by popular media myths like, “Print is dead,” you choose to fight back because, let’s face it, the facts don’t lie. Print is not only an effective part of the marketing mix; it is an environmentally responsible product and a profitable industry. To help spread this message, we created The Value of Print Flip-Book, a resource full of facts and statistics to counteract common present beliefs that are simply not true. (Learn more at

So what if you could take all of the information in the Flip-Book, combine it with searchable industry data and an updated RSS feed of industry news, and make it available anytime and anywhere? Well, you will be excited to hear that we have just unveiled a new FREE tool—the Value of Print Mobile App.

Apple users: 

Android users: 

Apple and Android users can download by searching “Value of Print” in their mobile app store or by entering the respective link onto their mobile browser.

Blackberry users:

Blackberry users may enter the above link into their mobile browser.

Now available on your mobile device, the Value of Print App features searchable industry reports from the 2011 Print Market Atlas. This feature allows users to look at print statistics by selecting a location—national, state, or region. They can then look at an overview of the chosen location with shipments, establishments, and employment. Each of these overviews will allow for filtering by market segment and printing process. The results are displayed in a chart or graph format—whichever the user prefers.

Say you are working on a sale and want to know shipments by state in the general commercial printing market segment. Well, now there’s a print app for that!

The app will also contain live a RSS feed with up-to-the-minute news and announcements as well as supported facts on print’s effectiveness and sustainability from the printed Flip-Book.

Our members have told us they need a convenient way to respond to the negative comments often heard in the field about print. Well, did you know that 85% of consumers sort through and read selected pieces of mail every day? Or that Just 11% of the world’s forests are used for paper (25% for lumber; 53% for fuel)? This information and more is found on the app, available at your respective App stores.

The printed Flip-Book you have on your desk or in your briefcase has already helped countless sales, marketing, and other print professionals promote the value of print.

“I loved the Flip-Book and can’t wait to see the app. It will be a good complement to the hard copy. I Look forward to sharing it with all our salespeople.”

—Aron Blume, Director, Global Operations, Lean Six Sigma MBB, HubCast Inc.

“This is the best thing that anybody has thought of. I am excited that you are doing this. I commend PIA, and you to be heading this up and look forward to this App. Thanks again for all your support!”

—Dave Boynton Jr., General Manager, Mac Papers

The Value of Print Mobile App is another way to make your job a little easier. We look forward to helping you spread the true message about print in your sales efforts with current information and statistics. Promote your passion for print at the press of a button with the new app!

If you are eager to know more about this app, check out the updates we are posting to our social media sites. Or, for more information, contact Lisa Rawa, Vice President, Marketing, at

Join our new Facebook Group, The Value of Print Mobile App for more updates and user reviews!