The listing, which was published in the 19 August issue of PrintWeek, remains one of our most popular annual features and invariably provokes lively debate, both before and after publication.

The ranking was ultimately decided by the PrintWeek team, but with the invaluable input of the 2,500 people who contributed to the public vote.

This year, Chris Ingram of York Mailing claimed the number-one spot, jumping 37 places in recognition of the fact that his company has increased turnover by around £60m over the past five years. It recently secured £10m of Business Growth Fund lending to enable it to acquire the Lettershop Group and push turnover to nearly £100m.

Ingram himself is a passionate advocate for print and full of confidence for the industry’s future. “It’s easy for people to think the printing industry is in decline. The reality is, if you’re focused on very specific markets, it’s actually quite the reverse,” he commented earlier this year.

For the full listing, please click here.

Numbers 100 to 91

Numbers 90 to 81

Numbers 80 to 71

Numbers 70 to 61

Numbers 60 to 51

Numbers 50 to 41

Numbers 40 to 31

Numbers 30 to 21

Numbers 20 to 11

Numbers 10 to 2

Number 1