The 2012 Third Quarter Print Market Update has just been published by the Printing Industries of America Economic and Market Research Team. With that, we’d like to share some of the numbers relating to digital processes contained in the report.
As is typical of our membership demographics and the overall industry, a majority of the respondents to the market survey listed sheetfed as their primary process. However, 120 of the 182 respondents offered toner-based digital printing, while 34 of the respondents offered inkjet printing. These processes accounted for 16% and 4% of respondents’ total print sales respectively. In addition, more than 50 of the respondents engaged in wide- and super-wide-format inkjet printing.
The latest Print Market Update also tracks the percentage change in total print sales through the last eight quarters. Beginning in Q4 2011 and going through Q3 2012, the respondents to our survey noted year-to-date increases in total toner-based sales of 8.5%, 5.2%, 8.0%, and 5.3%. Likewise, year-to-date increases in inkjet sales of 10.9%, 11.1%, 3.8%, and 2.4% were reported.
All Printing Industries of America members can download the Quarterly Print Market Updates (along with many other resources) for free here.
Our Economics and Market Research Team emails the results of these market surveys to all participants eight weeks after the end of each quarter and posts the results online two weeks later for all members to view. This data is also used to write Flash Reports and economic forecasts.
The survey is emailed to the main contact at each member company three weeks after the end of each quarter. To be added to this email list please contact Ed Gleeson at or 412-259-1756.