We know that a printing organization needs far much more to operate successfully than just printing equipment. It also needs people with creative, business-savvy minds to sell the products. You may not know that Printing Industries of America offers many resources, like great publications, that go beyond technical printing aspects. A number of these resources are tailored specifically toward Sales and Marketing professionals to help integrate print and new media and grow their profit potential.

If you have not discovered the group yet, look to Sales and Marketing Executives (S&ME). Through S&ME, you will find plenty of resources to promote, connect, and learn.  

Join our Updated Networking Listserv

Will my idea sell? If you have ever wanted to pick some of the creative minds out there, join the Sales and Marketing Executive listserv. We have revamped the system, so it is easier to network with peers. Just send an email to telserv2@lists.printing.org with the body: Subscribe sme@lists.printing.org.

Learn More about the Print-New Media Mix

Are you using QR codes to reach out to your customers yet? What about augmented reality, email marketing, or creating effective company websites? Our Publications department is flooded with new titles and requests from marketers for more on the hottest marketing trends to integrate print and digital media.

Here are the top five titles we wanted to highlight for you.

1.      Value of Print Flip-Book

Numbers don’t lie. The Flip-Book provides a wealth of useful facts and statistics to promote the truth about print’s effectiveness and sustainability.

As a convenient counterpart to the Flip-Book, we’ve recently released the Value of Print Mobile App that rounds out the campaign media mix. The app enables access to the most current, searchable data to help you promote the value of print—all at the touch of a button! Visit www.printing.org/valueofprint to learn more.

2.      Best Practices for QR and Other 2D Mobile Barcodes (Brandable PDF)  

Find out how and when to use QR and other 2D mobile barcodes as part of your marketing campaign. Start by understanding your audience, what motivates them, and your campaign goals.

3.      Marketing4Digital Full Set  

Do you have a strong understanding of what your business and your clients need to be successful? The vertical reports in this set give digital and conventional printers the information and tools they need to develop new business within 24 vertical segments.

4.      PURLs for Profit (PDF)  

Successfully combine direct mail and email campaigns to increase your campaign’s effectiveness. Read best PURL practices and valuable user case studies.

5.      Win Top-of-Mind Positioning  

Are you at the top of your customer’s mind? In this relationship-based business, learn how to create successful sales and marketing efforts. Win Top-of-Mind Positioning offers concrete, real-world examples, making it perfect for all graphic arts professionals wanting to increase their company’s bottom line.

Don’t forget, Printing Industries of America members receive discounts on many of our publications!

Professionals may also find pages full of great sales and marketing resources here at the Printing Industries Press Store.

If you have questions regarding our sales and marketing resources, or the Sales and Marketing Executives (S&ME), visit www.printing.org/sme  or contact Lisa Rawa, Vice President, Marketing, at lrawa@printing.org, or 412-259-1810.