Does this sound familiar?

“We knew we weren’t as efficient as we could be. We were experiencing long makereadies and jobs were being rejected because the color consistency across processes and devices was non-existent. We had the best of intentions to make improvements, however between difficulties in finding time and not knowing how to get our arms around the issues, we procrastinated. It wasn’t until we risked losing our biggest client that we were forced to reach out for help. With outside support, we turned it around! Our client relationship was saved, finally we have consistent color, faster makereadies, and less waste in time and materials. If only we had done this sooner! Times are too challenging not be deadly serious about becoming a smarter, better-run company.”

— CEO, XYZ Printing

This is a common sentiment. Companies know they need to improve and search for solutions for better color management, but they falter when the time comes to put solutions in place that will make a long-term difference. In the end, after months of stalled efforts, no ground has been gained, and they are left wondering if anyone else has similar struggles they could learn from?

The answer is yes! The majority of problems are not unique; others have gone through the same challenges. So, rather than wasting any more time, money, and resources, find someone you can trust to provide help! Someone who can identify the root cause of vexing problems, recommend solutions, provide implementation support, and get you on your way to efficiency and profitability. Whether through staff training, use of new technology, developing procedures, or doing that strategic planning you keep putting off, the right consultant can provide a fresh perspective that will guide you to solutions that are tough to see from the trenches.

In what ways can our trained consultants help your company improve?

  • Providing independent, unbiased assessments and working with you to solve your issues.
  • Focusing on improvements that will strengthen your competitive advantage.
  • Benchmarking your improvements.
  • Developing new skills in your employees.
  • Implementing new technology.

Efficiency + Quality + Productivity = Profitability! Avoid the “If only I had called for help sooner” syndrome and proactively seek training and consulting that will impact employee performance and ultimately the company’s profitability! You’ll be glad you did, and so will your bottom line!

For more information or to take advantage of Printing Industries of America’s Center for Technology and Research consultation services, contact Karen J. Keller, Senior Training/Consulting Specialist at 412-259-1711, or

If you are searching for training on enhancing your color management or digital production, we have educational resources for you as well:

Optimizing Color for Your Digital Press Workshop
September 25–26, 2012

Extreme Offset: Color, Control, Optimize
October 16–18, 2012


Orientation to the Graphic Arts
October 22–25, 2012


2012 Color Management Conference
December 1–4, 2012

 See Printing Industries of America’s Events Calendar for all of our upcoming training and events.